i-APS launches first ICT product: KAPorg


i-APS technology development team have lately convened in Ankara, Turkey to work together on finalizing and launching KAPorg, our first software product. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with KS-APS’ talented software development team to produce an online platform designed to support NGOs, assess organizational capacity, identify key areas of improvement and connect with partners for humanitarian action.

Similar to all our other fields of work, we have applied our so-called “People-First-Approach” in all stages of product development throughout a two year period. This has given us the opportunity to design and adapt the platform in response to lessons learned from our past and present work in organizational development.

The software development department has demonstrated remarkable flexibility and willingness to work closely together with i-APS’ global team of capacity building experts and project managers to design solutions that best respond to challenges and needs for effective capacity assessment processes and a user-friendly platform that can benefit NGOs operating in the humanitarian aid sector from all over the world.

“This past week in Ankara has been a wonderful experience as we had the opportunity to come together after a long period of working remotely to apply final touches to the product and celebrate years of hard work and determination from our team. Considering KAPorg was one our first products to develop, we have faced many challenges throughout the process. However, thanks to i-APS’ ongoing support in informing product design from day one and most importantly our development team’s creativity and restless efforts to design solutions, today we are proud to present a product that is both functional and accessible for NGOs worldwide. “ Ledian Shera, KS-APS ICT Business Development Manager, We are very happy to have successfully launched KAPorg and to continue our fruitful partnership with KS-APS in designing and developing other useful products to facilitate the work of our fellow partners and actors in international development and humanitarian aid. Find out more about KAPorg at www.KAPorg.com