
Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in Red Sea State (SFNS-RSS)/ Sudan

SFNS-RSS is a three year project aimed to improve food security and access to service mainly safe drinking water in the Red Sea State in Eastern Sudan.

The project is funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and is implemented by Welthungerhilfe (WHH) Sudan office.

The project targets an estimated number of 12500 households. In February 2022 , i-APS was contracted to implement a baseline/feasibility study to cover five localities in the Red Sea State in Eastern Sudan.

The research is ongoing and i-APS is working with about 400 households, community members and leaders, and local authorities, including NGO partners and Donors.

The study is using mixed method approach, including tools such as community surveys (questionnaires with special focus on food security status and access to water), Key Informant Interviews (KII) with the project stakeholders and Focus Group Discussions FGDs.